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2021 Annual Report


In view of the launch of this new repair activity for ecosystem, and in particular a new certification, communication work was activated in 2021. Objective: to make the certification known to as many repairers as possible, to create buy-in and encourage certification in order to foster the development of a network uniting all profiles (craftsmen, industrial repair companies, manufacturer and retail after-sales teams) throughout France.


Key figures

Brand identity
for the new certification
Repair company ambassadors
for the communications campaign

A striking identity for the new certification



With certification being at the heart of the repair mechanism, the creation of a visual identity was a priority in 2021. Alongside Ecologic, and with the help of a specialised agency, we defined a name and a logo. The aim was to create a meaningful identity which immediately conveys the scope concerned, i.e. repairing and electrical and electronic equipment.

The name “Label QualiRépar” / Electrical and Electronic Equipment” was chosen because it is suggestive, easy to remember and embodies a promise of quality. The associated logo integrates the concept of certification and also evokes the world of repair by the presence of a tool.

During the creation process, consumer groups were consulted to test several ideas. This confirmed that the name “Label QualiRépar” was well perceived and interpreted and that it was better to have a graphic representation allowing the topic of repair to be identified at a glance. This is what guided our final choice.

A communication plan to find candidates for certification

In order to support the launch of the QualiRépar certification with French professional repairers and to find repairers in order to have at least 1,000 certified sites in 2022, a communications campaign and various materials were established in 2021. The key visuals created for our campaign pay tribute to 5 repairers and after-sales technicians, who were photographed carrying out their everyday professional lives in workshops or during home calls. A testimonial-type approach, embodied by a statement in the first person permitting three strong points of the QualiRépar certification to be triggered: recognition of professional know-how, a gain in visibility and a competitive advantage.

On the operational side, the communications plan for the launch of certification at the beginning of 2022 was built around initiatives aimed at all repairer profiles, both individually and collectively. In 2021, a general information website about certification was established ( in common with Ecologic and will be the entry point for repairers. We also developed a landing page specifically on this topic on our website ( In addition to delivering all practical information it will give access to ecosystem kits made available to repairers as well as to additional content.

We also anticipated and scheduled the following actions: a printed media and web banner campaign in the headlines of specialised press, a targeted emailing campaign, sending of a paper letter to one-person businesses, sponsored posts on LinkedIn, the organisation of webinars and press relations.

Lastly, identified among repairers, using our ambassadors (federations, retailers, etc.) in the repair network was an obvious choice from the start, so that they can relay information about the QualiRépar certification and promote their contribution in this area. The creation of an “Ambassador Communication Kit” has been planned to provide them with the useful tools to brief their customers, members and stakeholders as soon as certification is launched at the beginning of 2022.