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2021 Annual Report

The ecosystem team

Environmental performance, projects, member and partner relations, development of collection, procurement, logistics, communications, IT, HR, finance: there are as many different activities reflecting the diversity of our missions, for our 146 employees, around thirty of whom work are filed staff.


Key figures

A performance of
in the Women-Men equality Index
on a permanent contract

Employee breakdown and profiles

3Women-Men equality index

ecosystem obtained a overall score of 98/100 in the Women-Men Equality index for 2021. We are delighted with this fantastic result, improving the score by 5 points compared to the year before, which reflects our company’s strong commitment to professional equality.

In 2021, 56% of employees were women and 44% men.

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ecosystem has more than 78 businesses and 146 employees

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At 31/12/2021, 89% of employees had a open-ended employement and 93% were on a full-time contract

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A work organisation built collectively

Within the review of the distance working agreement, we launched an internal discussion on “tomorrow’s manner of working” open to all volunteer employees who had thoughts on “tomorrow’s method of working”. Divided into working groups, these volunteers collected the opinions of all employees over several weeks in order to analyse and define “the next method of working”. This working group’s ideas and suggestions, as well as the feedback from our managers, enabled the main principles of our future hybrid organisation to be identified.

We then organised work meetings with our personnel representatives within the context of negotiations on our distance working agreement.

Training policy and initiatives

Despite the prolonged crisis, investment in training was maintained and accounted for 1.6% of pay roll expenses (excluding salaries), including support for training courses leading to a diploma and an increase in the number of study-work placements. Welcoming 9 young persons for the 2021-2022 academic year we are participating in the government’s “jobs for youth” plan: “1 youth, 1 solution”.

Protecting our employees and their work-life balance

The Covid Situation Team set up in 2020 continued its work during 2021. Protection measures were gradually adjusted in accordance with the situation of the health crisis.

Throughout the year we endeavoured to ensure that our employees could work in adequate conditions. Our team leadership system maintained team cohesion and provided regular information to employees on the progress of projects.

This year we combined our meetings between in-person meetings and distance meeting (a one-day seminar, information meetings every two months, team building and celebratory events, escape game) and by adapting to the shifting health situation. In this particular context, employees benefited from a 3-month subscription to the “Petit Bambou” application that provides meditation sessions and participated in well-being workshops during the “Working Life Quality Week” (well-being and ergonomics workshops).

“Ma petite planète”

Following the participation at the Fresque du Climat event in 2020, and because we are a take-back scheme operator committed to the protecting the environment, we wanted to carry out a new awareness-raising initiative for our employees through their participation in a fun challenge focusing of ecological stakes. The “Ma Petite Planète” challenge also provided the opportunity to nurture team cohesion within a working context affected by the health crisis.

The Internal Communications Department were helped by a group of volunteer employees to organise this game. During a 3-week period employees divided into leagues and addressed 1,845 ecological challenges.