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2021 Annual Report

Household WEEE

don emmamus réemploi

Key figures

household appliances redeployed or reused
tonnes of WEEE handed over to the SSEsector

A strong response for the redeployment/reuse fund, a major provision in the AGEC Law (French Anti-waste and Circular Economy Law)

With the adoption of the AGEC Law and the creation of a redeployment and reuse fund, our commitment to social and solidarity economy organisations takes on a whole new meaning. We are working towards increasing both the volume and quality of electric equipment that will be made available and the number of organisations who will benefit from this.  Through this measure, we hope to achieve by 2027 a redeployment target rate of 50% of electrical and electronic household equipment made available for redeployment and reuse.

Having started in November 2020 we worked on this throughout 2021 and focused on defining the operational methods and the allocation of sources and financial support from the fund. More than 50 redeployment and reuse organisations, NGOs and associations, manufacturers and retailers and various federations worked on this. 50 face-to-face interviews were carried out and 8 collaborative workshops with 10 to 30 people in each were organised.

The Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE)

We have continued to develop our support for redeployment and reuse through two national agreements that bind us to Envie and Emmaüs. The Emmaüs France network redeploys electrical and electronic equipment donated by private individuals.  The Envie network reuses large household appliances collected by retailers.

In 2021, nearly 633,425 appliances were redeployed or reused after having been returned to working order.  36,161 tonnes of WEEE appliances that could not be redeployed were handed over to us for depollution and recycling.

More than 459 local collection operations (local charity collection operations) organised in partnership with Emmaüs took place in which 47,779 persons donated items, thereby giving access to additional sources.


Creation of new sites

In 2021 we assisted in the creation of eight new Envie sites: Envie Le Labo à Paris, Envie La Roche-sur-Yon, Envie Brest, Envie Pierrefitte, Envie Montpellier, Envie Saint Quentin, Envie Henin Beaumont, Envie Drôme.

Consult Reuse and Redeployment by sectors