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2021 Annual Report

Professional WEEE


Key figures

NGO partners
tonnes of professional EEE declared as being exported

A new pilot for medical equipment

In regards to redeployment of professional equipment, in 2021 ecosystem launched a new pilot at 3 Envie Autonomie sites, a social and solidarity economy organisation specialising in the restoration and resale of medical equipment (430 tonnes of electrical appliances renovated in 2021). This pilot should be integrated into the Reuse Fund.

Exporting second-hand medical equipment

Furthermore, in 2021, producer members declare that 1,150 tonnes of second-hand medical equipment had been exported and 256 tonnes by two partners NGO receiving donated medical equipment.  The declarations by producers and NGOs receiving donated medical equipment were validated upon presentation of the relevant documents proving compliance with articles R. 543-206-2&3 of the French Environment Code and showing that they are regularly audited.  Equipment exported for redeployment purposes by partner NGOs handling donated medical equipment is almost exclusively electrical medical equipment.

Statistical evaluation of used professional electrical equipment that is exported

Within the context of a study on sources organised by OCAD3E in 2021 we also finalised a statistical evaluation on the export of used EEE based on freely accessible data from export declarations and following the establishment of threshold values in €/kg in order to identify new and second-hand EEE. Findings indicate that a minimum of 38,000 tonnes of used professional EEE were exported in 2019, i.e. around 12% of professional EEE sources, of which only 7,000 tonnes were monitored and declared in the ADEME register in 2019.

A working group with medical equipment brokers

As the export of used EEE is mainly carried out by sellers/brokers, ecosystem set up a working group with medical equipment brokers in order to improve the quantification of second-hand medical equipment that is exported, to make the practices of organisations who export the equipment more professional, and to establish a charter of best practices in export for redeployment by these brokers in view of possible partnerships.  This process will provide information for a redeployment reference common to all EEE professionals in 2022.

Consult Reuse and Redeployment by sectors